Theme: Eco-nomics

Thursday, April 6th

Imagine a world in which workers in construction, nursing and home care, farming, social work, teaching, etc., and all the rest of us—we, the people—are the ones who make the key decisions about how to allocate resources in our communities, not wealthy CEOs, massive corporations, or corrupt politicians. This session will delve into what a truly democratic, decentralized/localized economy would look like and closely examine examples of such initiatives already operating around the world that point to a “next system” radically different in fundamental ways from the failed systems of the past and present and capable of delivering superior social, economic and ecological outcomes. With: Laura Flanders, host/Executive Producer of The Laura Flanders Show, author of Blue Grit: Making Impossible, Improbable, Inspirational Political Change in America; Hilary Abell, Co-founder and Chief Policy & Impact Officer at Project Equity; Akaya Windwood, Lead Advisor at Third Act.

April 6th | 4:45 pm to 6:00 pm | Magnes Museum



Laura Flanders
Host and Executive Producer
The Laura Flanders Show
Akaya Windwood
Lead Advisor
Third Act
Hilary Abell
Co-founder, Chief Policy & Impact Officer
Project Equity

Friday, April 7th

As the breakdown of systems rooted in myths of separation, supremacy and scarcity quickens, humanity is rising, in partnership with the rest of the natural world, to ways of life that seek to bring humans back into balanced and reciprocal mutuality with each other and the natural world. Part of this is a quiet revolution underway in the financial system. New visionary “capital stewards” engaged in reparations work, asset transfers, philanthropy, impact investing and “restorative finance” are finding ways to make capital flow like water and become a healing medicine that starts to repair the harms of our collapsing extractive economy. Join us for a dialogue with some leaders in the “full spectrum” and “integrated capital” worlds who will share how the transformations in their own lives and communities have opened up new pathways to support money to flow with the spirit of water. Hosted by: Taj James, founder, Movement Strategy Center and Full Spectrum Capital. With: Damien Goodmon, CEO of Downtown Crenshaw Rising; Dr. Stephanie Gripne, founder and Director of the Impact Finance Center; Joseph Cureton, Chief Coordinating Officer of Obran Cooperative and ObranCaptial; Chad Dyer, Trustee of Future Allies Foundation and Good Life Pledge Capital Steward.

April 7th | 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm | Crystal Ballroom, Hotel Shattuck Plaza



Taj James
Co-Founder and Curator
Full Spectrum Labs
Joseph Cureton
Chief Coordinating Officer and Co-Founder
Obran Cooperative
Stephanie Gripne
Founder and CEO
Impact Finance Center
Chad Dyer
Full Spectrum Capital
Damien Goodmon
Downtown Crenshaw Rising

Community loan funds are creating new possibilities for funding local solutions to the climate crisis, while also addressing a long history of institutional disinvestment in traditionally disenfranchised communities. Four grassroots organizers on the frontlines will speak to the ways that reinvestment campaigns are calling on philanthropy to invest in these local funds, redefine traditional conceptions of risk and return, and center stewarding wealth in ways that generate healing rather than harm. With: Gopal Dayaneni, co-founder, Movement Generation: Justice and Ecology Project; Loren White Jr., Community Development Coordinator at the Indigenous Environmental Network; Lupe Romero Elicea, Co-Director for the Climate Justice Our Power Loan Fund; Briana Sidney, Cooperation Richmond.

April 7th | 4:45 pm to 6:00 pm | Golden Bear Room, Hotel Shattuck Plaza



Gopal Dayaneni
Movement Generation Justice & Ecology Project
Loren White, Jr.
Community Development Coordinator
Indigenous Environmental Network
Lupe Romero Elicea
Climate Justice Alliance’s Just Transition Revolving Loan Fund & Incubator
Briana Sidney

Cooperation Richmond

Saturday, April 8th

Introduction by Kenny Ausubel, Bioneers CEO and Founder

The energy transition race is on. Fossils fuels have peaked. What do we need to get renewables to prevail as fast as possible, and can we make that victory good for everyone? The 2020s will be the decisive decade in the climate justice fight. Where and how we create the new energy economy, who gets to lead it, who owns it and who works in it now matter more than ever. We must prepare for a large pulse of eco-industrial activity the likes of which the world has never known. As we race to the finish line of the transition away from fossil fuels, visionary “green” entrepreneur and founder of New Energy Nexus Danny Kennedy will present a plan to build out the full 3D potential of clean energy—not just distributed energy, but decentralized in ownership and democratized in control. Highly decentralized global grassroots entrepreneurship is central, as the pathfinding work of New Energy Nexus is demonstrating.

April 8th | 9:56 am to 10:15 am | Zellerbach Hall


Introduced by

Kenny Ausubel
CEO and Founder


Danny Kennedy
New Energy Nexus

California’s $48 billion Climate Commitment in 2022 plus the Federal IRA represent a once in a lifetime opportunity to onshore the supply chains and build the infrastructure needed to transform our economy to carbon neutrality, while creating jobs and justice for the 100%. How can California and tribal nations such as the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians partner for an equitable clean energy future rooted in a circular regenerative economy? What would it look like to have the original landowners at the helm of a place-based industrial strategy to onshore an advanced battery and EV manufacturing supply chain to Inland Southern California? With: Jesus Arguelles, Economic Development Director of the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians; Rebecca Lee, New Energy Nexus; Bryan Vega, New Energy Nexus. Hosted by: Danny Kennedy, CEO, New Energy Nexus.

April 8th | 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm | Freight & Salvage



Danny Kennedy
New Energy Nexus
Rebecca Lee
Managing Director of California
New Energy Nexus
Bryan Vega
Program Associate
New Energy Nexus
Jesus Arguelles
Economic Development Director
Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians