Practicing Regenerative Finance: How Community Loan Funds, Shared Governance and Reinvestment Support Local Solutions to the Climate Crisis
Presented in collaboration with the Climate Justice Alliance
Community loan funds are creating new possibilities for funding local solutions to the climate crisis, while also addressing a long history of institutional disinvestment in traditionally disenfranchised communities. Four grassroots organizers on the frontlines will speak to the ways that reinvestment campaigns are calling on philanthropy to invest in these local funds, redefine traditional conceptions of risk and return, and center stewarding wealth in ways that generate healing rather than harm. With: Gopal Dayaneni, co-founder, Movement Generation: Justice and Ecology Project; Loren White Jr., Community Development Coordinator at the Indigenous Environmental Network; Lupe Romero Elicea, Co-Director for the Climate Justice Our Power Loan Fund; Briana Sidney, Cooperation Richmond.
Golden Bear Room, Hotel Shattuck Plaza
April 7th | 4:45 pm to 6:00 pm
Climate Justice Alliance’s Just Transition Revolving Loan Fund & Incubator
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