Working our Way toward a Better World, One Bite at a Time

Nothing is more central and visceral to the human experience than eating. Recent decades have seen a sea change in awareness about the crucial importance of what we eat, how and where our food is grown, and by whom. Making radical changes to our entire system of agriculture and to societal attitudes toward plants, animals and the entirety of the natural world will give us the chance of emerging from our current crises and ushering in the birth of a life-affirming civilization. With: Alice Waters, legendary, highly influential chef who has been a leader in radically improving American cuisine’s social and ecological impacts, as well of course as its gustatory and nutritional qualities; in conversation with Nikki Silvestri, Founder and CEO of Soil and Shadow, former ED of Green for All and the People’s Grocery, recipient of numerous awards, including ELLE Magazine’s Gold Award and OxFam America’s Act Local, Think Global Award.

Freight & Salvage

April 7th | 4:45 pm to 6:00 pm


Alice Waters
Chef, Restaurateur and Author
Chez Panisse
Nikki Silvestri
Founder and CEO
Soil and Shadow, LLC
Bioneers 2023 Conference
Bioneers 2023 Conference - Revolution from the Heart of Nature
Bioneers 2023 Conference - Revolution from the Heart of Nature