Loveworthy: Birth Equity & Justice – Honoring Our Relationships to the Web of Life

Presented in collaboration with Full Spectrum Capital Partners

Old knowledge about how to welcome new beings into the world and honor the sacred cycles of life and death, held by wisdom keepers in our communities, is returning around the globe. Faced with the significant harm created by the medical-industrial complex on Black, Indigenous, people of colorBIPOC people giving birth, midwives, doulas and public health practitioners are coming together to create community birth centers and networks of community care that are becoming cornerstones of wellness around the world. This reclamation of the sacredness of birth is a part of the broader shift to center the care and creativity of women and gender-non binary people whose wisdom is the basis of growing a “care economy.”  Hosted by Indra Lusero, Director of Elephant Circle. With: Leseliey Welch, MPH, MBA, co-founder of Birth Detroit and Birth Center Equity; Tenesha Duncan, co-founder and Managing Director of Orchid Capital; Kiki Jordan, Midwife and founder of Birthland Midwifery.

Campanile Room, Hotel Shattuck Plaza

April 8th | 4:45 pm to 6:00 pm


Indra Lusero
Elephant Circle
Leseliey Welch
Birth Detroit and Birth Center Equity
Tenesha Duncan
Co-Founder and Managing Director
Orchid Capital
Kiki Jordan
Midwife and Founder
Bioneers 2023 Conference
Bioneers 2023 Conference - Revolution from the Heart of Nature
Bioneers 2023 Conference - Revolution from the Heart of Nature