Indigenous Forum – Undam the Klamath! How Tribes Led the Largest River Restoration Project in US History

Yurok and Karuk peoples have been fighting for decades to remove dams on the Klamath River that destroyed riparian ecosystems and decimated salmon populations that underscore traditional lifeways. In 2022, the US government finally agreed to remove four dams and engage in the largest river restoration project in US history. Join us to learn the story of this incredible achievement in tribal activism, groundbreaking tribal partnerships with state and federal governments, and culture-based methods for river restoration. Moderated by Cara Romero. With: Samuel Gensaw, Isaac Kinney and Craig Tucker.

Goldman Theater, Brower Center

April 7th | 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm


Samuel Gensaw
Founding Director
Ancestral Guard
Isaac Kinney
Yurok Tribal Citizen
Craig Tucker
Founder and Principal
Suits and Signs Consulting
Cara Romero
Program Director of the Indigeneity Program
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