Shane Gero

National Geographic Explorer and Founder | The Dominica Sperm Whale Project

Shane Gero

Shane Gero, Ph.D., is a Canadian whale biologist, Scientist-in-Residence at Ottawa’s Carleton University, and a National Geographic Explorer. He is the founder of The Dominica Sperm Whale Project, a long-term research program detailing the lives of these enigmatic ocean nomads in the Eastern Caribbean. His research is motivated by a desire to understand animal societies, how and why they form, and sadly, what happens when they fall apart. Shane is also the Biology Lead for Project CETI who are applying machine learning and gentle robotics to decipher sperm whale communication. His science appears in numerous magazines, books, and television; and most recently was the basis for the Emmy Award winning series, Secrets of the Whales.

Keynote Address:

Shane Gero – Preserving Animal Cultures: Lessons from Whale Wisdom

April 6th | 10:05 am to 10:27 am

Panel Presentations:

Animal Cultures: Overcoming our Human-Centric Worldview

April 6th | 4:45 pm to 6:00 pm

Bioneers 2023 Conference
Bioneers 2023 Conference - Revolution from the Heart of Nature
Bioneers 2023 Conference - Revolution from the Heart of Nature