Jorge Rico

Trainer | Gender Equity and Reconciliation International

Jorge Rico

Jorge Rico, M.A. a Gender Equity and Reconciliation International (GERI) Trainer based in Providence, Rhode Island, co-leads the GERI Latin America Project and the GERI corporate training program, and also leads the Men’s Ministry at Concordia Center for Spiritual Living in R.I. Originally from Bolivia, he has 25+ years’ experience in Human Resources in the USA and Latin America, including developing numerous Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) initiatives in corporations.

Panel Presentations:

Gender Equity & Reconciliation: Thirty Years of Healing the Most Ancient Wound in the Human Family

April 7th | 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm

Interactive Session – MeToo to WeTogether: Transforming Gender Injustice into Beloved Community

April 6th | 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm

Bioneers 2023 Conference
Bioneers 2023 Conference - Revolution from the Heart of Nature
Bioneers 2023 Conference - Revolution from the Heart of Nature