Participatory Street Art with The Climate Justice Arts Project

On Allston Way between Shattuck and Oxford

Participatory Street Art with The Climate Justice Arts Project 

Arts organizer David Solnit, muralist Gemma Searle and educator/organizer/artist Julie Searle will host two interactive arts projects sponsored by The Climate Justice Arts Project on the closed-to-traffic block of Allston Way. Don’t miss the fun: come learn new skills in “engaged art”-making as we collaborate in street mural painting and get your of climate justice art posters for Earthweek.

12:20 pm – 5:00 pm Thursday – Saturday

Catch the Drop 

Come paint stunningly beautiful rain catchment barrels and learn about water harvesting with cutting-edge eco artists affiliated with the beloved Women’s Eco Art Directory organization (WEAD), a long-standing, groundbreaking organization with deep historical ties to Bioneers. You will discover the joy of combining beauty with life-affirming green technology.   

1:00 pm – 6:00 pm Thursday – Saturday

Sprit Nests Creations

Join Jayson Fann and collaborators for an extraordinary immersive medicine space of rhythm and healing, including a 10 ft drum created in collaboration with the 13 Grandmothers. Come hear music 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Thursday – Saturday, see the installation anytime.

People’s Earth Week: Climate Justice Art & Action

Come see street art poster designs by 10 movement artists–and take poster art kit home to publicly display for Earthweek! Sponsored by the grassroots climate justice networks People VS Fossil Fuels and Stop the Money Pipeline. Info at:

Climate Justice Movement Flags & Banners

See the display along Allston Way of climate justice movement screen printed, hand painted and flags and banners from in frontline and community struggles to protect people and planet.

Artists’ Way

Come browse the beautiful and thought-provoking work of an array of socially and eco-conscious local artists who will be displaying and vending their work on Allston Way and other conference sites. 

1:00 pm – 6:00 pm Thursday – Saturday

On Allston Way between Shattuck and Oxford

April 8th | 12:30 pm to 5:00 pm

Bioneers 2023 Conference
Bioneers 2023 Conference - Revolution from the Heart of Nature
Bioneers 2023 Conference - Revolution from the Heart of Nature