Indigenous Forum – Healing Justice to Restore Relations with Land

Presented in collaboration with Indigenous Climate Action

We are living in a very exciting time as we witness more instances of successful Indigenous-led #landback campaigns and triumphs over the extraction industry than ever before, but we are also becoming increasingly aware that we cannot restore relations with the land without addressing our own trauma. This session will explore such critical questions as: How might the fight for #landback benefit from the inclusion of Black people and other historically marginalized groups? Does ‘call out culture’ actually harm decolonization movements?  In addition to frankly exploring these issues, the panelists will share practical strategies for addressing them using such tools as an intergenerational focus, ceremony, and time on the land.  Moderated by Eriel Deranger. With: Jodie Geddes and Carlee Loft.

Goldman Theater, Brower Center

April 8th | 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm


Carlee Loft
Youth Engagement Coordinator
Kahnawake Collective Impact
Eriel Tchekwie Deranger
Executive Director
Indigenous Climate Action
Jodie Geddes
Healing Circles Manager
Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth (RJOY)
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