Film Screening: Coextinction

The film will be introduced by Ernest Alfred, Hereditary Chief of Tlowit’sis First Nation, elected leader of the ‘Namgis First Nation and leader of the Swanson Occupation.

After a mother orca carries her dead calf for 17 days, two filmmakers join Indigenous leaders and scientists making a final attempt to protect the last 73 Southern Resident orcas from extinction. Winner of many prestigious awards, Coextinction moves beyond a traditional wildlife documentary, taking us deep into the oceans and forests of the Pacific Northwest to witness the complex systems of interconnectedness linking together ecosystem collapse, centuries of injustice against Indigenous peoples, and the frontlines of the world’s most pressing environmental threats.

The Coexistence Films team includes: Gloria Pancrazi, Elena Jean, Andrew Luba, Nicholas Castel, Victoria Obermeyer, Julien Verschooris, Morgane Trussardi, Carolina Vitorino; with co-collaborators: Will George, Chief Ernest Alfred, K’odi Nelson, Jesse and Carrie Nightwalker, and 15+ First Nations and Sovereign Tribes on whose lands filming took place. The film was made with generous support from Dr. Bronner’s, PNW Protectors, hundreds of crowdfunding supporters, and many other organizations and individuals.

NOTE: To support Coextinction’s impact campaign, visit:

Goldman Theater, Brower Center

April 6th | 6:40 pm to 8:30 pm

Introduced by

Bioneers 2023 Conference
Bioneers 2023 Conference - Revolution from the Heart of Nature
Bioneers 2023 Conference - Revolution from the Heart of Nature