Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal – The Theory of Change: How We Achieve Real, Meaningful Policy Victories

Before Rep. Pramila Jayapal was elected to Congress and later became the Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, she was an organizer and activist, and an enthusiastic Bioneers participant. In this personal video message to the Bioneers community, Rep. Jayapal will discuss her theory of change that she developed as an organizer and has employed as a legislator. She highlights an “inside-outside” approach to building power and enacting meaningful change and policy shifts at national, state, and local levels.

Zellerbach Hall

April 7th | 9:43 am to 9:57 am


Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal
Congressional Progressive Caucus
Bioneers 2023 Conference
Bioneers 2023 Conference - Revolution from the Heart of Nature
Bioneers 2023 Conference - Revolution from the Heart of Nature