Book Signings

All Book Signing will take place at Pegasus Books, which will be located in the lobby of the Magnes Museum, 2121 Allston Way in Downtown Berkeley.

Thursday, April 6

4:30 pm

Marilyn Cornelius signing copies of The Path to Romantic Success

Saru Jayaraman signing copies of One Fair Wage: Ending Subminimum Pay in America

6:15 pm 

Mia Andler signing copies of The Bay Area Forager and Sierra Forager

Carl Safina signing copies of Becoming Wild and Beyond Words

Nina Simons signing copies of Nature, Culture and the Sacred

Friday, April 7

1:30 pm

Alexis Bunten and Danielle Greendeer signing copies of Keepunumuk: Weeâchumun’s Thanksgiving Story

4:30 pm

Cynthia Brix, William Keepin and Jorge Rico signing copies of Gender Equity and Reconciliation

Zainab Salbi signing copies of Freedom is an Inside Job and Between Two Worlds

Anita Sanchez signing copies of The Four Sacred Gifts

6:15 pm

Taylor Brorby signing copies of Boys and Oil: Growing Up Gay in a Fractured Land

Kim Stanley Robinson signing copies of The Ministry for the Future

Leah Stokes signing copies of Short Circuiting Policy

Saturday, April 8

2:30 pm

Michael Amster signing copies of The Power of Awe

john a. powell signing copies of Racing to Justice

Rebecca Solnit signing copies of Not Too Late, Hope in the Dark and A Paradise Built in Hell

4:30 pm

Clayton Thomas-Muller signing copies of Life In the City of Dirty Water

6:15 pm

Minoo Moallem signing copies of Between Warrior Brother and Veiled Sister and Persian Carpets: The Nation as a Transnational Commodity

Madeline Ostrander signing copies of At Home on an Unruly Planet: Finding Refuge on a Changed Earth

Bioneers 2023 Conference - Revolution from the Heart of Nature
Bioneers 2023 Conference - Revolution from the Heart of Nature